The Study for the United States Institutes (SUSIs) for Student Leaders is a series of programs funded by the US Department of State and designed for undergraduate students aged 18 to 25. The goal of these programs is to facilitate a greater understanding of the USA and provide tools that allow students to improve themselves as leaders. Students in SUSI programs attend a five-week intensive program while living on campus at an American university and attending a study tour at various locations within the USA.

The SUSI programs included a three-day digital storytelling workshop at the University of Massachusetts in Amherst, led by Mark Haney and Gail Prensky of The Jüdische Kulturbund Project. The workshop explored issues about community and asked What Does Community Mean to You? The scholars were challenged to produce a short digital story in 24 hours that answers this question, as you will see in the presentation above.

The participants are members of the SUSI Economic Empowerment (EE) program, featuring 20 students from Algeria, Morocco, Tunisia, Jordan, and Egypt, and the Comparative Public Policy program, featuring 20 students from Pakistan.

Scholars from Morocco, Algeria, Egypt, Tunisia, and Jordan stand with SUSI director Rebecca Howland and Mark Haney and Gail Prensky of The Jüdische Kulturbund Project.

The Economic Empowerment (EE) program is designed to educate students on various economic systems and entrepreneurship in order to facilitate an entrepreneurial drive within participants and provide resources that allow them to empower others. The Comparative Public Policy Program is designed in order to facilitate growth in leadership skills and expand participants’ knowledge of the USA through courses that focus on public policy, the structure of the US Government and Constitution, and its interaction with local and state governments and the private sector.

Scholars from Pakistan stand with American mentors and Mark Haney and Gail Prensky of The Jüdiche Kulturbund.