3 Frames / By Me – The Play

3 Frames / By Me – Team

we search, along, for . . . for those, who know how to love! And make you laugh.. who bring you peace of mind, and heart . . . in now being able to look, more closely . . .

Tom Minter, playwright for 3 Frames / By Me

3 FRAMES / BY ME was created as a one-hour, interactive exploration of By Me You’ll Never Know by DC-based African-American playwright Tom Minter.

About the Workshop

The education component of the By Me project provides a ​contemporary, immersive, digital theatre experience.

This educational workshop curriculum functions through immersive enquiry focusing on themes that connect students to understanding processes of memory and observation that deal with issues regarding race, identity, and culture.

The workshop’s design encourages storytelling development through efforts of active listening, mutual respect, and guidelines of discourse. This facilitates participants to think critically through the ’difficult undiscussed’ that are central to the play; its reflections on lost family history; and its depiction of missing, or disconnected textures resonating across time and into every generation.


  1. Segment 1: Icebreaker and project introduction
    • Moderated conversation around, ‘What do you look at in your own families that is “undiscussed” — or “what’s the elephant in the room”?
    • Screening of the digital performance of the play 3 Frames / By Me
  2. Segment 2: Development of participants’ projects
    • Expand and adapt reactions to play
    • In groups or individually, participants devise a short improvised skit, music video, or monologue about their own family experience.
  3. Segment 3: Presentation of participants’ creations with the group
    • Students write letters to their future families about:
      1. Formative experiences the students want them to remember
      2. Perspectives the students wish they had at the time