Members of the World Bank/IMF Chorus sing a lullaby in traditional Ladino, the language of Sephardic Spain. A mother is comforting her child, to be free from worry and grief. “Durme, Durme” arranged by Alice Parker. Posted on You Tube on May 7, 2020, during the COVID-19 pandemic.
Our dear friend and a member of this chorus, Reverend Katja Albrecht of The United Church/ Die Vereinigte Kirche shared her experience with us:
It was a first for most of us – so be generous! The World Bank/IMF Chorus (which I just recently joined) has recorded this Ladino lullaby. It breaks my heart to think of the suffering of the Jewish people today – when 75 years ago today World War II ended.
Bitte seid großzügig mit uns, wenn ihr dieses Lied anhört – für fast alle von uns im Weltbank/IWF Chor war es eine Premiere einen Videobeitrag zu leisten! Ich teile dieses Wiegenlied in Ladino heute – am 75. Jahrestag des Endes des Zweiten Weltkriegs – in Erinnerung an das unendliche Leid der jüdischen Geschwister in dieser Zeit.