WHAT WE DO . . .
Through its education programs, The Jüdische Kulturbund Project embraces its mission to encourage participants to connect with each other through common experiences, inspire people to respond to persecution through cultural expression and encourage freedom of expression and culture.
The goals of the initiative are to raise awareness, augment young people’s perception of the past, catalyze students to action, share a little-known inspirational story of the past, and to recognize contemporary mirrors perhaps within our own families, communities, and selves.
DIGITAL STORIES: A workshop program (virtual or in person) that teaches participants how to use written stories, dance, art, music, photography, and video to produce digital stories.
MUSIC + ART: EXPLORING RESPONSES TO OPPRESSION: A workshop program (virtual or in person) in collaboration with educators, musicians, performing artists, and visual artists to produce engaging experiences for the classroom (primary, secondary, high-school and university curricula).
JUBA FILMMAKING WORKSHOP SERIES: A virtual workshop program for emerging filmmakers in South Sudan that provides storytelling development and video production techniques to emerging filmmakers.